Monday, March 11, 2019

The New Year

Image result for discipline

The past 2 years a friend has hosted a "New Year Retreat" where a group of women from our church get together to discuss our goals for the upcoming year, choose a word for the year, cut out various things from magazines and make vision boards.

For 2018 I chose the word Growth. I picked this word because I wanted to grow in my faith, grow confident in myself and grow in my writing. My vision board was tacked up on my bedroom wall where I could see it every day.

When preparing for our 2019 retreat, I looked back at my goal worksheets from last year and realized my goals were exactly the same. More prayer time, eat healthy/work out more, and blog consistently. Nothing had changed from last year. I was still overweight, ignoring my blog and not putting in much effort with my spiritual life.

This year I decided on Discipline.

I'm determined to change myself for the better this year and not allow myself to stay stagnant. But here we are a quarter of the year gone already and I've made no progress whatsoever.

We cancelled our membership to the Y. It hadn't been used in at least a year. Cameron doesn't do well in a daycare setting and I didn't want to drive all that way, take the time to check the kids in and be called out of class or away from the equipment to collect my screaming child. See how easily those excuses come out?

Hubby has joined the rec center here in town. He's been going in the evenings with a few other guys. I keep telling myself I'll start doing something here at home or once the weather gets warmer I'll walk more and do more outside.  I thought I'd had the slap in the face I needed last month while trying to find a dress to wear to a church function. I pulled old clothes out of my closet, tried to post a few more motivational quotes around the house, and started doing my best to meal plan every week.

The meal plan is sticking, let's hope the rest follows soon after.

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